Pop tabs are a RMHC tradition and serve as a way of raising money for the Ronald McDonald House families and Tooth Truck patients. You can make a difference in the lives of Ozarks children by simply pulling off the pop tabs from your empty drink cans and dropping them off at the Ronald McDonald House of the Ozarks at 949 East Primrose in Springfield, MO.
Pop tabs are recycled by RMHC to support the Ronald McDonald House “Family Fund” and the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile (Tooth Truck) “Patient Needs Fund.” The Family Fund helps fulfill the individual needs of more than 100 Ronald McDonald House families each year experiencing extenuating circumstances by providing funds for items such as prescriptions and transportation. The “Patient Needs Fund” allows our staff to respond quickly to the individual needs of Tooth Truck patients with items such as shoes that fit and warm coats.
Who knew something so small (and shiny) could do so much good?
Fun Pop Tab Facts
Common Measurement Equivalents
1 inch = 1 Pop Tab
1 foot = 12 Pop Tabs
1 meter = 40 Pop Tabs
1 kilometer = 40,000 Pop Tabs
1 mile = 63,360 Pop Tabs
1,472 Pop Tabs = 1 pound