If you think about everything that goes into making a House a home or running a mobile dental office with prizes for the patients, you can understand why we depend on the great people of the Ozarks time and time again to contribute and help these children and families in need. Providing one or more items on our Wish List is a great way to help the families staying at our Houses. Below is a list common items that are always needed. Wish List items for both the Tooth Truck and the Houses can be dropped off at the House near Cox South (949 E. Primrose St., Springfield MO) between 9:00am and 9:00pm.
Special Request: we need more children’s items with boy themes
* Denotes high priority items
Ronald McDonald Houses Wish List
Family Items
- Beauty Gift sets for Women
- Travel Manicure Sets
- Daily Planners
- Shower Sets for Men
- Adult & Child Activity Books
- Travel Coffee Mugs
- Deodorant
- Fleece Throw Blankets
- Small Gifts for Children
- Adult Sweatpants (variety of sizes)
- Adult T-Shirts (variety of sizes)
- Socks (variety of sizes)
Food Items
- Shelf-Stable Milk
- K-Cups
- Individual Coffee Creamer
- Individually Wrapped Snacks
- Canned Soda
- Bottled Water
Gift Cards
- Gas Cards
- Walmart
- Amazon
- Target
Miscellaneous Items
- Bakeware
- Cookie Sheets
- Sets of Pots and Pans
- Lip Balm
- Small Bottles of Lotion
- Crayons
- Blank Note Cards
- Playing Cards
- Travel size Hand Sanitizer
- On-the-Go Drink Mixes
- Small Stuffed Animals
- Metal Shower Rings*
- Individual packs of Tissues
Be sure to also check out our Amazon Wish Lists!
Tooth Truck Wish List
- Coloring Books
- Crayons
- Handheld Games
- Pencils
- Stickers
- Matchbox Cars
- Hair Accessories
- DVDs for Older Children
- Walmart Gift Cards
- Kum & Go gas Gift Cards
- Large Clear Plastic Storage Bins with Lids
- 8.5” x 11” Copy Paper
- Small Tubes of Toothpaste
- Dental Floss
- Child-Sized Toothbrushes
- Small Bottles of Mouthwash
- “Post-It” Notes